Thursday, January 12, 2017

Update| Writing Project

As Nanowrimo came to a close and the New Year came, I left 2016 with the sense of achievement and guilt.
Achievement in this whole process because I made my 2016 resolution come to life, which was to start writing a novel. I went into this project scared, dreading what lies ahead, concerned that what I create wouldn't be good enough. Once I began to write the first half of the project in July I realized that creating a story does not have any specific rules. You are the boss, you put in what you want, you leave out what you don't care for. That is what I feel was the most enjoying part of this experience. Writing what I felt was important and entertaining in the story.

The guilt comes along later on towards the end of November when my motivation, a thrive started to diminish. I am currently on the last half of my story and I haven't sat down and finish this project in a whole month. I feel guilty for myself because I wanted to finish this project before 2016 finished, but school finals came along and the holidays it was difficult to get back into the motion of things.

My new goal for 2017 is just to finish the first draft of this writing project. I am determined to get it done completely and officially say I've wrote my first novel. Regardless if the whole piece makes absolutely no sense at the end.